Dotnet in the Bowser Castle

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dotnet try Bowser Castle for .NET Core 3.0 and C# 8.0 Interactive markdown files documentation for .NET Core to use for code tutorials on my webpage

This project is based off Try .NET

Project Webpage


Either one of the the below editors is compatible


Verify dotnet try global tool with the command below

dotnet try -h you will see a list of commands:

Check what version SDK you have installed

dotnet --list--sdks
Command Purpose
demo Try .NET content with an interactive demo
verify Verify Markdown files

Troubleshooting :confused:

  1. I’ve downloaded .NET Core 3.0, but when I open my project I get a Error “Error NETSDK1045 The current .NET SDK does not support targeting .NET Core 3.0. Either target .NET Core 2.2 or lower, or use a version of the .NET SDK that supports .NET Core 3.0.” .NET 3 Troubleshooting Solution If you’ve already installed .NET 3.0 SDK try to restart Visual Studio 2019 and your computer. My version of the Visual Studio Installer also needed an massive update.

Change Log

Name | Version | Date | Change Description ————– | ————- | —— | —– Amie Dansby| 0.0.1 |9/27/2019| dotnet try bowser castle project created